2.4. Foam Roller





What is it?


It is a rigid rubber or foam-rubber roller that allows the performance of a series of exercises that promote myofascial massage (the fascia is an elastic element that covers the muscles).



How is it done?


You have to use your body weight to “fall and slide” on top of it and massage the muscles that interest you.


When is it done?


It depends on the purpose for which you want to use the Foam Roller:


  • Before training:
      • 🚀  Speed: 1 second per rep.
      • 🔁  Reps: 5-6 per muscle group (round trip).
  • After training:
      • 🚀 Speed: 2-3 seconds per rep.
      • 🔁 Reps: 6-8 per muscle group (round trip).
  • Days of no training:
      • 🚀 Speed: 2-3 seconds per rep.
      • 🔁 Reps: 6-8 per muscle group (round trip).


Why is it done?


  • ⚽️  Before training: Small release of tension in the fasciae (“muscle sheets”) and activation of muscle tone.
  • ⚽️  After training: Release tension caused in fasciae.
  • ⚽️  Non-training days: Release the tension caused in the fasciae.




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