2.3. Treatments with a physiotherapist





What Is It?


They are all those techniques, manipulations and treatments that the physiotherapist performs on your body.




How is it done?


Depending on the type of body you have, the position in which you play, the strength you have in each muscle or the physical problems you have, the physiotherapist will be in charge of performing one treatment or another.


When is it done?


It depends on the objective for which you have a treatment with the physiotherapist:

  • 🤕  Injury prevention:

-Day -2.

  • 💊  Injury recovery / treatment:

-Days the team trains.

-Team non-training days.

  • 💪🏻  Strengthening:

-Day -4 or -3 (depending on the planning of the physical trainer).

  • 🔋  Reduce the accumulated load:

-After every workout.

-No training day.


Why is it done?


Based on what appears in point 2.3.2. the physiotherapist will perform different types of treatments, manipulations, techniques… depending on whether it is:

    • 🤕  Injury prevention
    • 💊  Injury recovery / treatment
    • 💪🏻  Strengthening
    • 🔋 Reduce accumulated load




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